This course entitled “English Drama” presents the different types and movements in English theatre.
It allows the student to understand, classify, and analyse different plays according to their genre

Target audience: 

2nd year students of English literature


1. Knowledge: The Student recalls the most important elements in Drama and define some key terms related to this literary genre Also, he/she will define the word Drama in detail. This gives an idea about the level of students to the teacher.

2. Comprehension:

The student comprehends and distinguishes the two types of drama Also, he/ she will classify different plays of Shakespeare according to their types This helps the teacher measure the students' knowledge and detect the difficulties that face learners

3. Analysis: The student discovers several movement in English drama Besides, he/she will analyse an element of a play according to the appropriate movement. This allows the teacher to evaluate students' analytical skills and competences

This course explores in depth the two major and complementary skills in English language, Reading and Writing. It intends to acquaint the student with the main necessary strategies of a good reading (what and how to read to understand). Manipulating the skill of reading enables the student to improve his/her writing competences.